How do I enrol students for the programme? - Teacher
What are the student targeting criteria?
The Brilliant Club requires that at least 55% of students registered on the programme meet at least one of our student targeting criteria:
- No parental history of Higher Education KS2-4: (collected through our parent data form, below)
- Receiving Pupil Premium funding
- Residing in IDACI decile 1 – 4
How do I enrol students for the programme?
You have two options for how to enrol students on the programme: individual registration or bulk upload registration.
- For individual registration, you will add students one by one. The data will appear straightaway in your Hub.
- For bulk upload registration, you can upload all your students at once using our template spreadsheet. If you have multiple placements you can upload all students from all placements at once. The data can take up to a few hours to show on your Hub.
Once you have decided which would work best for you, click the options from the Dashboard to start the process:
If you would like to add the students using the bulk upload, the instructions will appear on the page. Alternatively, you can read them here: How do I enrol students using the bulk upload?
Instructions for the individual registration are below:
- Once you have clicked the option to 'add students individually' you will be taken to the 'Placements' page. Make sure you are on the 'Students' tab.
- This page is where you can upload student data and track data permission returns. You will see the two blank tables at the bottom of the page: ‘Enrolled students’ and ‘Withdrawn students’. To add students, click ‘Add Student Individually’ under the ‘Enrolled Student’ table.
- You will be taken to the Student Registration form. Enter each student's details, along with creating their Hub login details. We recommend you use their school email address and create a memorable password when creating their Hub login. If your students do not have a school email address, we would suggest you make one up for them e.g. Emails must be unique to each student.
- If you are enrolling a student who has previously taken part in The Scholars Programme programme, their details will autofill when you start entering their surname. If you select the surname of a student who has taken part before but is not the student you are trying to upload, please click 'clear fields' to clear the data.
- You will then be taken back to the 'Placement' page so that you can continue to add students until all are registered to the placement. Please note that when you register a student, they will appear in the 'recently added student' list whilst their data is saved.
- Once the data is saved, if a student meets the targeting criteria a green tick will appear in the 'Target Student' column next to their name:
- If you do not have Parental History of Higher Education data to hand at the point of registering students, we ask that you go back and update this for each student once you have received the data. If ‘Parent Data Received’ is ticked for a student, you can assume that we have received this data via the parent/carer data form.
- If you want to register an additional student after the initial registration or make a student swap, please withdraw any student(s) and register the new student by clicking 'Add Student' and completing the registration form as normal.