How do I change a student's details? - Teacher

If you need to amend a student's details once they have been registered, you can click ‘Edit/Withdraw' next to any of the students in the ‘Enrolled students’ table. You will be taken to the student's registration page where you can make changes. Once you have entered the new details, click 'Update student' to save the changes.

Please note that the ‘surname’ and ‘first name’ fields will be locked after registering students; if you need to change the spelling of a student's name, please contact your Programme Officer and they will do this for you.

Updating Parental History of Higher Education

If you did not have Parental History of Higher Education data to hand at the point of registration, we ask that you update this once you have received the data by scrolling down on the student registration page to 'Parental higher education?'. Select an option from the drop down menu and click 'Update student' to save.

If 'Data Permission Form Returned' is ticked for a student, you can assume we have received this data via the parent/carer form.

Updating dietary, mobility and prayer room requirements

If you need to update dietary, mobility or prayer room requirements, scroll down to the bottom of the page. When you click the relevant tick box, a text box will appear for you to add further details, then click 'Update student' to save the changes.