How do I view assignments and homework? - Tutors

How do students submit work on the Hub?

Students can upload word, pdf, PowerPoint or image files onto the Hub. They should do this via the assignment section of the Hub but can upload documents in the messaging area as well.

If students share links to live documents in the chat with you, do not click the link as this could reveal personal contact details. Please flag to your Programme Officer and ask the student to submit their work by sharing a downloaded document. Please view our Safeguarding FAQ for more details on files and safeguarding. 

How can I view and set deadlines for students' homework and assignments?

You can manage the work students submit in the ‘Assignments’ tab on the placement view.

You can also update the due date that students can view on this page. Please note, you cannot update the Final Assignment due date as it is a national deadline which should not be changed without extenuating circumstances and permission from The Brilliant Club. 

Viewing Tutorial Homework

Like the baseline and final assignment, click ‘view submissions’ to list of students along with their file submissions. You do not need to provide marks for these homeworks.

Teacher Monitoring

Teachers can only monitor baseline and final assignment submissions, they cannot see marks for either assignments until they have been through our moderation process before Tutorial 7. It looks like this on their overview: