How do I message my students? - Tutors

How do I message my students?

Click the messaging icon in your navigation bar.

You will see a list of your current placements on the sidebar. Clicking on each placement name will give you the option to message either the group chat or individual students. 

Safeguarding and Message Moderation

We have a moderation system in place for messages sent over the Hub, messages are flagged to safeguard both you and your students but we also expect tutors to safeguard students by flagging any of the following:

  • If you spot a message or file that is a safeguarding risk, please follow our safeguarding policy and contact The Brilliant Club’s safeguarding team immediately by emailing with your Programme Officer copied in.
  • If students share links to live documents with you, do not click the link as this would reveal personal contact details. Please flag this to your Programme Officer and ask the student to submit their work by sharing a downloaded version of the document.
  • Any files or messages that do not relate to The Scholars Programme, please flag to our Programme Officer. 

You will get a notification if a message has been flagged for moderation. Messages are flagged to safeguard you and your students. Messages are usually moderated within 24 hours.

  • If the message is approved in the moderation process, the message will appear in the chat for both you and the receiver when they next log in. Please note that it may not appear in your chat if you log out and back in again whilst it is still being moderated.
  • If the message is declined it will not appear in the chat.

You can find more information about safeguarding here