Safeguarding on The Hub - Teachers
For safeguarding reasons, students should not be contacting their PhD tutors outside of the Hub and we would ask that you do not share Tutors’ email addresses with students.
Messaging on the Hub
We have a moderation system in place for messages sent over the Hub for safeguarding purposes. As a result, there may be a delay between a student sending their message and the tutor receiving it so students should always aim to allow for this.We would advise allowing 24 hours.
- If the message is approved in the moderation process, the message will appear in the chat for both the sender and recipient(s) when they next log in.
- If the message is declined, it will not appear in the chat.
We also ask that our tutors monitor messages and files shared over the chat and report any concerns to us immediately.
Your Programme Officer may contact you about messages flagged for moderation.