How do I complete my pre- and post-programme assessments? - Student

How do I complete my pre- and post-programme assessments?

This short video shows how to complete your pre- and post-programme assessments. 

You can see your pre- and post-programme assessments on the Tasks page on the Hub like this:

Click on the assessment you need to do to complete. It will take about 15 minutes to complete and there are instructions when you first open it. 

What are the Pre- and Post-Programme Assessments?

The pre- and post-programme assessments ask you to answer questions about how you learn and what you think about university. No one will see your answers and you should take your time to answer the questions carefully.

When do I complete them?

  • Pre-programme assessment - complete this when you first log in or before your first tutorial.
  • Post-programme assessment - complete this after Tutorial 7 when you've received your feedback from your tutor.