How do I message my tutor and placement group? - Students

How do I message my tutor and placement group?

You should keep in touch with your tutor throughout the placement – let them know how you are getting on with your work and if you need any support! You can also message your placement group on the Hub to share resources or if you have any questions to ask them.

To message your tutor or your placement group, click on the messaging icon in your navigation bar.

You will then see a page like this. See below for how to use the messenger!


All messages are checked to ensure what is sent is appropriate, this is called moderation. If we're concerned a message might not be appropriate then the message will go into a moderation queue instead of being sent to your tutor or the group chat. A message will pop up to show you it's being moderated: 

A member of The Brilliant Club will check the moderation queue regularly to see if the message can be allowed through to your tutor or group.

  • if your message is allowed it will appear back in your chat. 
  • if your message is blocked it will not go through to the tutor or the group chat. 

This will be done as quickly as possible and should be completed within 24 hours. Please make sure you are sensible when using the Hub.