How do I view tutorial attendance and feedback? - Teacher

Tutorial Attendance and Feedback

On the Hub, you can also view and track your students’ tutorial attendance.

How do I view my students’ tutorial attendance?

From the ‘Placements’ page, click the ‘Attendance’ tab. The following page will appear:

A green tick will appear if a student attended a session or a red cross if a student did not attend a session. Tutors are expected to complete the tutorial register on the Hub within 24 hours of the tutorial taking place.

Once you have withdrawn a student from the programme, they will no longer appear on this list.  

How do I view my tutor feedback on tutorials?

On the 'Tutorials' tab, teachers can also view what engagement score tutors gave the tutorial and read any feedback they have written about the tutorial by clicking 'View Tutorial Feedback' and the information will then drop down (see screenshot below)

If you have any concerns or suspect that the attendance records are incorrect, please let your Programme Officer know.